The Discovery Process
We collaborate. We listen. We discover.
There are many factors that contribute to the probability of winning a grant, and equally as many components that weigh against winning a well-drafted proposal. We want to uncover those with you. It is a process of discovery, not mechanics.
Sign up for updates & new opportunities from Grant Garden.
Collaboration, not competition
Grant Garden will partner with you to grow your organization and serve your unique population, using community-based solutions and collaborations.
Most grant opportunities require partners. We encourage local collaboration as a community building strategy versus proprietary competition.
New Mexico is underrepresented in federal expenditures. Collaboration increases the chances of winning national grant awards. Competition makes New Mexico look disorganized nationally and less desirable as an investment for grant funding.
Grant Garden Services
CultivatingCommunity-Based Partnerships
Funding Likelihood
Program Plan
If you are applying for a grant and would like a program review, our practices and tools can ensure you have competitive descriptions. You will learn these practices and tools by participating in our program plan review.
Program Evaluation
Grant Proposal
With two weeks prior to deadline, a proposal review will check for reviewer ability to easily score your proposal, the match between your proposal narrative and grant purpose, and ease of reading and understanding of proposal goals, objectives and activities.
Grant Proposal
Coaching will give you just-in-time training as you take responsibility and control of the writing of your own proposal. Training includes practical tools you will keep and use, language standards that facilitate understanding and scoring, and project-specific suggestions.
Full Grant Proposal
This partnership requires constant regular communication where you provide critical descriptions and information about your program. Grant Garden will then assemble a proposed project you have the capacity to carry out.
Let's work together
We believe that our evaluation tools will improve your ability to win grants.
Grant Garden will speak with any organization for free. Our pricing structure includes sharing financial risk. We base our fees on available information, clarity of project conception, and complexity of the grant requirements.
Collaboration cultivates sustainability and grows success. Let’s get to work!